Monday, August 29, 2016

The Rat in the Hat .... Climate? Shmimate!

I do not like this Trump one bit
I think he is a racist twit
I do not like his funky hair
I do not like that he don't care
I do not like that he finds strange,
Science facts on climate change
Global warming, he explains,
Was made up by some feeble brains
I do not like his 50's views
About a woman's right to choose
I do not like the way he speaks
And insults everyone he meets
I do not like his lies and tricks
I do not like his head of bricks
His brain may be a few quarts low
With bull shit he does overflow



  1. I knew the Rat in the hat was a very smart 'HOMBRE" . No one can say it better .
    Trump face is orange because Trump needs to take a dump Hahahaha! I am so bad .

  2. I would not insult Dr Suess's Cat by calling him a rat..hahahaha! The RAT in the Hat is Trump. Can you explain to me why that man is orange?? I've always wondered.
    Your PIC and pal always

    1. I answered your question ....

      Trump needs to take a dump Hahahaha
      Love always PIC
