Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Please Believe Us...Global Warming is happening

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This image has become the 'poster bear' for climate change
But the real effects of climate change are even sadder as in the images below.

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 The Arctic is melting twice as fast as expected since global warming is more intense at the poles

A field in Hoopstad, a maize-producing district in the Free State province, South Africa, January 2016
Drought in 13 countries across Southern and Eastern African countries leaves over 36,000,000 million people hovering on the brink of starvation. The highest temperatures in recorded history have scorched these lands into deserts.

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There is no food or water to support domestic animals and about 40% of  livestock has been lost to starvation in African drought stricken countries. The worst hit this year is Ethiopia

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Image from Ethiopia

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Around Ireland the winds are so strong the sea is pounding the island in gale after gale

Searing heat waves and ravaging storms hit New York this year and worse is predicted
for the city in the next couple of decades 

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China is experiencing floods in many provinces

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Katrina is only one of many extreme floods in the last ten years

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 Marine dead zones are occurring more and more because ocean temperatures are becoming too warm and/or too acid for certain fish. The dead wash up on shore.

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Tornadoes have increased in numbers and size exponentially. In 2011 one hundred and twenty two tornadoes touched down in the southern United States. Some were so enormous they destroyed whole cities.
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 A tornado literally flattened Kansas City

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 Glaciers all over the world,  that are millions of years old, are collapsing and melting
They are needed to reflect the sun's rays away from the planet
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 Wild fires burn out of control due to dry timber from hot dry summers

We have never seen such frequent or devastating earthquakes as we are experiencing now.

Thousands may have to be evacuated if the situation worsens
In January 2016, two volcanoes in Indonesia had simultaneous massive eruptions while another occurred in Russia at the same time. Within 24 hours three more volcanoes erupted in Indonesia. It was an unprecedented event.
We have always heard that volcanic eruptions contribute to global warming. Scientists have now discovered that the reverse is also true. Higher temperatures from global warming are causing volcanoes to erupt more frequently.

 We have hardly touched the surface of the climate crisis and so far it is pretty scary,
is it not??

And who pays the highest price for what we have done to the planet?
Image result for images of hungry children in Ethiopia


  1. Pic , this post brought tears to my eyes . What will it take to wake up these people , the starving bear will be humans in the near future ... why can't they see it started in the 3-world countries years ago .
    I call Della and asked her to appointed some people to call the rest and tell them to read this post and to tell others .
    Della ask me to ask you how long you been doing this with climate change . I told her , I know it was more than 8 years , she said no wonder you was a pro .

    Great post PIC

  2. Hi PIC,
    I got interested in climate change about 12 years ago when I became aware that our Canadian arctic regions were melting and our polar bears were becoming endangered. I always loved them and wanted to save them. Gradually I learned more until I saw the bigger picture of worldwide climate change.
    You guys are doing great work. I'm proud of you. Wish I could meet you all.
    Love PIC
