Saturday, February 4, 2017

Mr Trump ... Kiss my furry white ass

Want to ask a real expert if global warming is real?? Come fishing with me. We'll see how far you can swim before you drown.
And keep your little hands off my wife's pussy or I'll eat you.


  1. hahahaha!!! PIC , you don't need a gun , you have everyone that reads this falling off their chairs in a coma laughing .
    Love it PIC

    PS: saw Jordan and the pups , all 3 are just to cute for words .

  2. Thank you PIC
    I am always delighted to make people laugh. It's my second favorite thing. Won't say what my favorite is. Wait until you see my next post, it has 800 signatures but I better not put all of them in the post. Maybe it's not necessary. Hahahaha! 800 scientists got together and wrote Mr Trump a letter. it's a doozie.
    lots of love
    take care of yourself
