Thursday, September 27, 2018

Climate & Cycles of civilization what to expect moving into 2025 : Peter Temple (685)

Knight Man


  1. Hello Knight Man
    Wow! that was a scary video. I didn't understand all of it but the parts I understood were scary. Don't you wish an extraterrestrial would come to earth and show us how to stop climate change? What if it's something very easy like they loan us their cloud machine and we cover the sun with clouds? Or maybe they could move the sun a little further away from earth.
    I look forward to your next 'Papa and me'.
    Love and hugs
    Knight Aunt Jeannie

  2. Hi Knight aunt Jeannie,
    I ask daddy what cycle mean daddy say think of cycles as clothes cycle in a washing machine daddy say he hope people do not get tired of listening a hour or longer daddy say it is good to put it on there is people will listen so they will not have to listen to Mr. Trump
    Aunt Jeannie mama say see you next week mama will be back sometime next week wed. or Thursday I think it will be wed night mama leave tomorrow aunt Jeannie not papa it is my poppa post I will do one when mama get back
    Aunt Jeannie daddy and uncle Harvey gave me 5 dollar for not my spelling a word I got 10 dollar
    Love to you
    Knight Man

  3. Hi man
    I'm sorry buddy. I know it's poppa and me. I must have been pretty tired or day dreaming.
    love back at you
    Knight Aunt Jeannie
