Monday, November 26, 2018

How Climate Change will affect your health

The climate change will affect your health... / Le changement climatique affectera votre santé...


  1. I wonder why there are so many deniers , when you look around there are people that has a lot of these ailments . Mema is a Nurse , I showed her this post , she said it's here now there are people older than her that were born with genetics aliments , Mema also said climate change didn't just start it was happening when she was born Mema is in her seventies and she is proud to tell anyone , people ignored it thinking it would go away .
    We have heart , diabetes in our family , now their are people that don't have it in their families and they are being diagnosed with all types of illness with no history of it in their family .
    People will have to take their blinders off and see the real world and the trouble Mother Earth is end .
    I email Charles and Charlene told them to get this post , I will call uncle Glenn tell him to blow it up poster size put them in the entrance into the hotel and employees time clock .

    The websites is wonderful no one will have an excuse .
    Love you Crusader Jenny

    Mama say go to the secret place

  2. November 27 ,2918
    This month----235

    I am free ... go to WAG

  4. Thanks Crusader
    In my honest opinion... People are scared poopless about climate change. They don't understand it and hope if they ignore it...It will go away. Sometimes when I tell people about it, they look frightened and they will usually change the subject. Hey, maybe they are scared of me..hahahaha! They think,"Oh no! Here comes that lady who says we are all doomed". "Don't listen to her".
    I am laughing so hard, I can't type.
    Love Aunt Jeannie
