Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Simplest Explanation Of Global Warming Ever

Earth energy budget diagram, with incoming and outgoing radiation (values are shown in W/m^2). Satellite instruments (CERES) measure the reflected solar, and emitted infrared radiation fluxes. The energy balance determines Earth's climate.
Ethan Siegel Senior Contributor       Jan 2, 2019
Let's play pretend for a moment. Pretend, if you can, that you've never heard about the idea of global warming before. Pretend you've never heard anyone else's opinions on the matter, including from politicians, scientists, friends or relatives. Pretend that there are no related concerns, like the economy, our energy needs, or the environment.

If you were going to make a genuine inquiry, there would instead be only two questions to ask and answer:

is the Earth warming or not,
and if so, what's the main cause?

This is a question that was tailor-made for the enterprise of science to answer. Here's how we can figure it out for ourselves.
There are really only two things that determine the Earth's temperature, or the temperature of any object that's heated by an external source. The first is the energy that goes into it, which is primarily energy produced by the Sun and absorbed by the Earth. The second is the energy that leaves the Earth, which is primarily due to the Earth radiating it away.

Thanx Ethan Siegel
Knight Man


  1. Awesome Knight Man
    Science that even dummies can understand. A very well done demonstration of how we got into this climate mess.
    Hope your Holidays were super duper and you had tons of fun.
    Buckets of love
    Knight Aunt Jeannie

  2. Aunt Jeannie I think you people understand more when they look at pictures my holiday was very good we had lot of good food this was the second Christmas we has with out poppa aunt Jeannie mama say she feel poppa here with us on our special day I tell mama I feel poppa too hope your holiday was great
    Buckets of love back to you
    Knight Man
