Tuesday, February 19, 2019

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To the Nanook Knights for acing your exams and getting high scores …
So proud
 Love Knight Aunt Jeannie
See the source image


  1. Aunt Jeannie ,
    Thank you so very much for your well wishes . Everyone aced their tests . Daddy or mama never put pressure on us to make good grades , they only expect us to do our best and have a normal life like other teenagers .
    We are having Winter Break Feb.18th thru 22rd we will have Spring Break in March .
    It means a lot to us to know you are rooting for us
    Thank you from all of us .
    Love to you
    Jonny , Sha , Jenny & Man
    Wrote by Jenny

  2. How great to have a break right after exams. It let's you air out your brain and relax. I am always in your corner like I am for my grandkids. You're my extended family and I have bragging rights. How lucky that you are all so brilliant.
    Lots of love
    Aunt Jeannie
