Children have a better understanding of Climate Change than their
mega-carbon-producing parents.

I am so impressed by the purity and the honest artistry straight from the heart

Kids want a harmonious happy world where we all work together to save the earth

This is my favorite. The evil looking bee. Canadian children are aware that the bees in our country are in deep crisis

I think this one says it all
Aunt Jeannie ,
ReplyDeleteI also think the last photo says it all .Some people think little kids like Man , Bubba and CC don't understand about climate change , they would be surprise at how much they understand , poppa taught us to always include them in our discussions , answer questions if they ask , they are more inform than a lot of grown-ups jenny is going to have the photos blown up to poster size , she will put them on the walls at the meeting room so people can see what small kids think . Ms . Della want them also to hang in Nanook craft shop .We emailed them to Tyger Stafford Tyger said she has 11 people now we told her to hang on more will come .
jenny got an email from Reno , they have a group of 35 so far . jenny told daddy it would be ever so nice if he could figure out a way to reach people at all the properties . Daddy told us to make flyers and pamphlets when uncle Gregg or others go they can include it in their meetings , if they are interested then we can take it from there . Make sure there are 3 or 4 to take charge , the best place to start id with family , friends and school is a great place , some will stay and those are the ones you want .
Mama told us you said Knights need to have fun , aunt Jeannie we have fun and do the things we like , if we ask daddy to take us on a trip he will , we are going to the diamond fields , this is our first summer without poppa ,we just want to hang out remember the good times , this summer we just want to remember poppa here where we had so much fun .Uncle Harvey is here with us , he's taking care of daddy ( he is daddy godfather) daddy hides from him sometime Uncle Harvey looks for him tell Man and Bubba to find daddy , they find daddy , he give them candy or money to not tell where he is so uncle Harvey pesters mama and aunt Anita,
Love and a bunch of yellow roses (mama say they are your favorite).
Knight Jonny C.
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July 15, 2018
This month-----201
Knight Jonny C.
You guys educated Man and Bubba and CC. They know all the important stuff. It goes to show you how easy it is to teach kids. Not so easy to teach the older generation. I'm glad you guys like the posters. I have a few more. I think they are far more eloquent than anything I could dream up. The properties are a perfect venue to place pamphlets and posters. Think of all the hundreds of people who use those facilities daily. It's a brilliant idea.
The diamond fields sound like so much fun. We have always been rock hounds and beach combers in our family. I think we brought about 20 pounds of rocks and shells from Florida one year. The border guards just laughed at us and let us bring them across. I bet they are more careful now.
The last time you went there Poppa was with you. This visit will be just as much fun because that's what he wants. If he is watching, he is laughing with you.
Climate Change is a serious business and you guys tackle it with enthusiasm. I just didn't want it to take up too much of your summer.
Uncle Harvey misses his friend so much he looks for other people to fill the gap. No one can replace his friend. He looks at you all like his family. It wouldn't hurt to spend a few minutes with Uncle Harvey now and then. Just ask his opinion on something or ask for a bit of advice so he feels needed and wanted.
I had yellow roses at my wedding to Uncle Brian. I still have a few of them wrapped in tissue in a box. Thank you so much for the roses. They mean a lot to me. Don't make my eyes start leaking again.
Love you Buddy
knight Aunt Jeannie
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