By Rafi Letzter, Staff Writer | August 29, 2018
Credit: NOAA Climate Program Office, NABOS 2006 Expedition
Warm water has penetrated deep into the frozen Arctic.
So far, it's still hiding out far beneath the surface, but according to a new study, there's a serious risk that this warm water could rise and trigger a new wave of melting in the interior of our planet's already shriveled northern ice cap.
Using older data from ships and newer data from permanent probes installed deep in the water, researchers showed that water in the Arctic Ocean's Canadian Basin has warmed significantly in recent years. That's thanks to a circular ocean current called the Beaufort Gyre, the researchers wrote, that pulls southern water north and under the Arctic's ice.
As the planet has warmed, they found, the water delivered north along the Gyre has gotten warmer too. And once that heat gets to the Arctic ocean, it gets trapped there, so those permanent probes detect it year-round. [Photos Reveal How Earth's Glaciers Have Rapidly Disappeared]
The trapping effect is the result of the Arctic Ocean's distinct layers of water, said lead study author Mary-Louise Timmermans, a professor of geology and geophysics at Yale University.
"Fresh water's on the top, and salty water's denser, so it's on the bottom," Timmermans told Live Science. "These warm waters, they're saltier. So they're held at depth — insulated" by the layer of colder, fresh water above them.
A figure from the paper reveals where scientists found extra heat hidden in the Arctic.
As the planet rapidly, unnaturally warmed due to climate change and the ice farther south melted, the researchers found, the more southern waters began absorbing sunlight that once would have been reflected back into space by white ice. And that extra energy made its way north under the ice, where it stayed.
This created a source of "archived" heat in the planet's far north, which Timmermans and her co-authors showed has increased steadily each year.
"We had seen [the deep Arctic Ocean] getting warmer with data points here and there, but something we hadn't appreciated before was just the slow and steady, obvious increase in the heat content," she said.
The warmth under the ice hasn't dipped or varied significantly since the 1980s, she added. It's just kept marching upward "like a staircase."
The study shows that climate change doesn't only threaten the Arctic through the direct melting of ice along the northern ice cap's edges, Timmermans said. Instead, all the extra heat now present in our planet presents a long-term threat to the northern ice, independent of year-to-year shifts in weather patterns. Over time, she said, that heat will break through the insulating fresh water above it, and eat away at the planet's remaining northern sea ice from within.
The study was published today (Aug. 29) in the journal Science Advances.
Originally published on Live Science.
Thanx Rafi Letzter
Crusader Jenny , Nanook & Mika
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Poppa & Me First Day of Kindergarten
Hello everyone , I was busy going to school , I got a new teacher he is nice he said we will get along fine he talk like he is chewing something mama say he is tie tongue I ask daddy why he said my teacher tonge is close to bottom of his mouth
He is lazy he make the kids write our work on the black board he like CC write on board he say she write good I say CC is a girl and all griel write better than boys
CC say wait until mr Harris meet mama I say CC we will not get in troube for mama to come here he will talk to mama like he talk to Danny mama we will laugh mama will run him off he will talk to mama like she talk tp him CC say it beter uncle Gil come I laugh say yes beter for mr Harris
I will tell you about my first day in kindnegarten it wa so fun my teacher was mis Cox I like her mis Cox like to feel poppa haid she say it feel like white silk daddy hair will be like poppa daddy say mama is make his hair go white
mis Cox say play game mis Cox say sit on floor in cirle poppa sit on floor with us mis Cox say poppa you not sit on floor poppa say yes I do I kid in ttthe room poppa say I want to play poppa say on floor we throw the ball mis Cox sat in chair watch us poppa get ball throw at mis Cox we laugh
mis Cox tell poppa sat in cornr poppa say you sit with me mis cox say no you sit in coenr you be bad poppa laugh say mis Cox you not know bad I will show you bad poppa start sing poppa say kids you sing we will have fun mis Cox sing poppa say get up kids we will sing dance we had fun
mis Cox say poppa come every day you make it fun to the kids poppa say he will be back
we have partys at barn poppa invite mis Cox mis Cox like dance with poppa daddy say mis Cox like poppa Eloise say poppa may marry mis Cox daddy laugh say it not but 2 pwoplw poppa would marry one marry other is like poppa they love each , not marry it ruin they frendship my siters big brother ask poppa who they are poppa smile poppa never tell us daddy say one day he will tell us Jenny say daddy did poppa want to marry them daddy say poppa could not marry them
one here say tell poppa both will alway be in love with they first love it will ruin the love they have for the other daddy say the other was marry daddy say he not know if the other lady knew
Jenny say one day it will come to her who the other is MeMa say Jenny is like mama dhe has second sight I say Jenny keep your sight I laugh .
What you doing for climate change my brother sistrs not post we start school it is more to do when school start now we catch up now we still here not go away are you do your part to help mother earth I hope so every litle bite help .
I have more to tell you about poppa I have to stop I got lot of home work poppa say Man do your home work learn all you can I say poppa I will be like you my daddy is like you poppa he is smart
I am in fifth grade I will study get good grade I learn a lot from my poppa and I love him poppa say he will never leave me he will be with me always poppa is in my heart when I feel sad I think about poppa and laugh poppa was always happy until a fool make him mad .
I forgot to tell evryone mama was out of twon helping daddy boss mama id back we are so happy my mama smell good mama not go boss with daddy mama go because poppa is in heaven poppa can not go with daddy to help him poppa love daddy so much .
Hope you enjoy my poppa story
Man C.
He is lazy he make the kids write our work on the black board he like CC write on board he say she write good I say CC is a girl and all griel write better than boys
CC say wait until mr Harris meet mama I say CC we will not get in troube for mama to come here he will talk to mama like he talk to Danny mama we will laugh mama will run him off he will talk to mama like she talk tp him CC say it beter uncle Gil come I laugh say yes beter for mr Harris
I will tell you about my first day in kindnegarten it wa so fun my teacher was mis Cox I like her mis Cox like to feel poppa haid she say it feel like white silk daddy hair will be like poppa daddy say mama is make his hair go white
mis Cox say play game mis Cox say sit on floor in cirle poppa sit on floor with us mis Cox say poppa you not sit on floor poppa say yes I do I kid in ttthe room poppa say I want to play poppa say on floor we throw the ball mis Cox sat in chair watch us poppa get ball throw at mis Cox we laugh
mis Cox tell poppa sat in cornr poppa say you sit with me mis cox say no you sit in coenr you be bad poppa laugh say mis Cox you not know bad I will show you bad poppa start sing poppa say kids you sing we will have fun mis Cox sing poppa say get up kids we will sing dance we had fun
mis Cox say poppa come every day you make it fun to the kids poppa say he will be back
we have partys at barn poppa invite mis Cox mis Cox like dance with poppa daddy say mis Cox like poppa Eloise say poppa may marry mis Cox daddy laugh say it not but 2 pwoplw poppa would marry one marry other is like poppa they love each , not marry it ruin they frendship my siters big brother ask poppa who they are poppa smile poppa never tell us daddy say one day he will tell us Jenny say daddy did poppa want to marry them daddy say poppa could not marry them
one here say tell poppa both will alway be in love with they first love it will ruin the love they have for the other daddy say the other was marry daddy say he not know if the other lady knew
Jenny say one day it will come to her who the other is MeMa say Jenny is like mama dhe has second sight I say Jenny keep your sight I laugh .
What you doing for climate change my brother sistrs not post we start school it is more to do when school start now we catch up now we still here not go away are you do your part to help mother earth I hope so every litle bite help .
I have more to tell you about poppa I have to stop I got lot of home work poppa say Man do your home work learn all you can I say poppa I will be like you my daddy is like you poppa he is smart
I am in fifth grade I will study get good grade I learn a lot from my poppa and I love him poppa say he will never leave me he will be with me always poppa is in my heart when I feel sad I think about poppa and laugh poppa was always happy until a fool make him mad .
I forgot to tell evryone mama was out of twon helping daddy boss mama id back we are so happy my mama smell good mama not go boss with daddy mama go because poppa is in heaven poppa can not go with daddy to help him poppa love daddy so much .
Hope you enjoy my poppa story
Man C.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Arctic Wolf ...Song of the wolf provided by the Cheyennes
As is the case with most problems on this planet, the fundamental cause can be traced back to human activities.
As is the case with most problems on this planet, the fundamental cause can be traced back to human activities.
Ironically, the Arctic wolf has been, until recently, the only sub-species of wolf not directly endangered by people. Its isolation has meant it has not been subject to a lot of hunting and habitat destruction that have affected other species and sub-species. Although the pelt of this species is highly prized by hunters.
Now, the Arctic wolf is threatened by climate change which has produced extreme weather variations that have reduced its food supply. The Arctic wolf feeds mainly on Muskox, Arctic hares and Caribou but these animals face increasing difficulty in finding food as a result of the changed weather patterns. Inevitably this means that those animals are not so plentiful and therefore, in its turn, the Arctic wolf faces a diminishing food supply.
The presence of humans and/or their artifacts is now also becoming a problem as an industrial presence increases with mining exploration, mines, pipelines and roads intruding on their environment.
What can be done? The only significant activity of which I am aware is to reduce or eliminate global warming.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Rare Canadian Lynx ... Not many left in the wild
The Canadian lynx is a wild and elusive cat that lives in the northern forests from the Northeast to the Rocky Mountains. Its thick fur and large paws helps it hunt showshoe rabbits in the far northern wilderness. The large thickly furred feet stop the lynx from sinking in the snow. It is a rare and very beautiful animal. It is now endangered.
It has been noted by scientists that in an effort to survive as a species, the lynx has been cross-breeding with bobcats in some areas of the country.
Marine heat waves threaten underwater wildlife

Even the oceans are breaking temperature records in this summer of heat waves. Off the San Diego coast, scientists earlier this month recorded all-time high seawater temperatures since daily measurements began in 1916.
"Just like we have heat waves on land, we also have heat waves in the ocean," said Art Miller of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
Between 1982 and 2016, the number of "marine heat waves" roughly doubled, and likely will become more common and intense as the planet warms, a study released Wednesday in the journal Nature found. Prolonged periods of extreme heat in the oceans can damage kelp forests and coral reefs, and harm fish and other marine life.
"This trend will only further accelerate with global warming," said Thomas Frolicher, a climate scientist at the University of Bern in Switzerland, who led the research.
His team defined marine heat waves as extreme events in which sea-surface temperatures exceeded the 99th percentile of measurements for a given location. Because oceans both absorb and release heat more slowly than air, most marine heat waves last for at least several days — and some for several weeks, said Frolicher.

This image from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration illustrates ocean temperatures and their departure from normal (1981-2010). Ocean temperatures in 2017 were the sixth warmest on record. (NOAA)
"We knew that average temperatures were rising. What we haven't focused on before is that the rise in the average comes at you in clumps of very hot days — a shock of several days or weeks of very high temperatures," said Michael Oppenheimer, a Princeton University climate scientist who was not involved in the study.Many sea critters have evolved to survive within a fairly narrow band of temperatures compared to creatures on land, and even incremental warming can be disruptive.
Some free-swimming sea animals like bat rays or lobsters may shift their routines. But stationary organisms like coral reefs and kelp forests "are in real peril," said Michael Burrows, an ecologist at the Scottish Marine Institute, who was not part of the research.
The threat to coral reefs
In 2016 and 2017, persistent high ocean temperatures off eastern Australia killed off as much as half of the shallow water corals of the Great Barrier Reef — with significant consequences for other creatures dependent upon the reef.
"One in every four fish in the ocean lives in or around coral reefs," said Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, a marine biologist at the University of Queensland. "So much of the ocean's biodiversity depends upon a fairly small amount of the ocean floor."
The latest study relied on satellite data and other records of sea-surface temperatures including from ships and buoys.
Miller said he knew something was odd when he spotted a school of bat rays — which typically only congregate in pockets of warm water — swimming just off the pier earlier this month.
Changes in ocean circulation associated with warmer surface waters will likely mean decreased production of phytoplankton — the tiny organisms that form the basis of the marine food web, he said. Phytoplankton is the most important cornerstone at the bottom of the food chain for all marine life. The smallest marine life eats them and are then consumed by bigger fish and so on up the food chain.
Marine biologists nicknamed a patch of persistent high temperatures in the Pacific Ocean between 2013 and 2016 "the Blob." During that period, decreased phytoplankton production led to a cascading lack of food for many species, causing thousands of California sea lion pups to starve, said Miller, who had no role in the Nature study.
"We've repeatedly set new heat records. It's not surprising, but it is shocking," he said. The consequences of marine heat waves spread like ripples to all fish and marine life and threatens our largest food source.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Man-made climate change makes heatwaves twice more likely
Last updated on July 30th, 2018 at 3:10 pm by Mihai Andrei
As large swaths of the northern hemisphere are dealing with some of the worst heatwaves in history, researchers have just published a study showing that climate change resulting from human activities makes such events twice as likely. climate change makes climate events much more likely, studies have consistently shown. Depicted here, the 2018 storm Eleanor.
Summers are supposed to be hot — but in many parts of the world, it’s unnaturally and unbearably hot. The UK has witnessed its driest summer in modern history, Japan reported the hottest local temperatures in recorded history, and Scandinavia, known for its frigid temperatures, has been sizzling in temperatures over 30°C (86°F).
It’s hard to draw a direct cause-effect relationship between a complex, global phenomenon and singular heatwaves — but there’s a very good chance the two are connected. In the new study, renowned climatologist Michael Mann and colleagues address this issue, looking at data from seven weather stations in Finland, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. They chose these stations because they all had digitized records dating back to the early 1900s, unlike most other stations.
They found that, on average, man-induced climate change made heatwaves two times more likely. The results were not uniform and varied by country: in the Netherlands, Ireland, and Denmark, the odds of heatwaves have increased more than twofold.
“We found that for the weather station in the far north, in the Arctic Circle, the current heatwave is just extraordinary – unprecedented in the historical record,” said Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and also part of World Weather Attribution, who worked on the study.
The influence of climate change
Assessing the influence of climate change involves complex models and number crunching. Researchers attribute how often extreme events happen at a particular weather station and then compare them with modeled results of climate without the influence of human emissions of greenhouses gases (especially CO2). This way, they work out how likely climate change is to influence extreme weather events.
These studies are called attribution studies.
Attribution studies are much easier to carry out thanks to the increased processing power of modern computers, and scientists often focus on weather stations which have digitized data, which also makes the analysis easier. Such a study used to take several years, but this new analysis was made in little over a week.
Multiple lines of evidence support attribution of recent climate change to human activities, and scientists have high confidence that human activities are to blame.
Climate scientists are loath to say that an event is “caused” by climate change, but in this case, results are “unambiguous.”
“In many parts of Europe three day heat is not very exceptional and you could argue that it would be better to look at longer,” said Dr. Friederike Otto from the University of Oxford, one of the study’s authors. “But we’ve looked at longer periods and it doesn’t change the result very much.”
This is by no means a singular study — previous efforts have also consistently linked climate change with extreme weather events (both hot and cold). For instance, the heatwave in South Wales, Australia, was made at least 50 times more likely by global warming. The 2017 “Lucifer” heatwave across Europe’s
Mediterranean nations was made at least 10 times more likely by climate change, and Hurricane Harvey was 3 times more likely thanks to climate change. Overall, many extreme climate events — and the increasingly hot summers — are linked with man-made climate change. A previous study from last year, also co-authored by Mann, found that all these extreme weather patterns are very likely linked to climate change. Mann actually believes this study may have understated the effects of climate change.
We are now in the phase that the effects of climate change are way beyond deniability — it’s time to start acting and tackling this problem — or suffer the consequences.
Knight Jonny C.
As large swaths of the northern hemisphere are dealing with some of the worst heatwaves in history, researchers have just published a study showing that climate change resulting from human activities makes such events twice as likely. climate change makes climate events much more likely, studies have consistently shown. Depicted here, the 2018 storm Eleanor.
Summers are supposed to be hot — but in many parts of the world, it’s unnaturally and unbearably hot. The UK has witnessed its driest summer in modern history, Japan reported the hottest local temperatures in recorded history, and Scandinavia, known for its frigid temperatures, has been sizzling in temperatures over 30°C (86°F).
It’s hard to draw a direct cause-effect relationship between a complex, global phenomenon and singular heatwaves — but there’s a very good chance the two are connected. In the new study, renowned climatologist Michael Mann and colleagues address this issue, looking at data from seven weather stations in Finland, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. They chose these stations because they all had digitized records dating back to the early 1900s, unlike most other stations.
They found that, on average, man-induced climate change made heatwaves two times more likely. The results were not uniform and varied by country: in the Netherlands, Ireland, and Denmark, the odds of heatwaves have increased more than twofold.
“We found that for the weather station in the far north, in the Arctic Circle, the current heatwave is just extraordinary – unprecedented in the historical record,” said Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and also part of World Weather Attribution, who worked on the study.
The influence of climate change
Assessing the influence of climate change involves complex models and number crunching. Researchers attribute how often extreme events happen at a particular weather station and then compare them with modeled results of climate without the influence of human emissions of greenhouses gases (especially CO2). This way, they work out how likely climate change is to influence extreme weather events.
These studies are called attribution studies.
Attribution studies are much easier to carry out thanks to the increased processing power of modern computers, and scientists often focus on weather stations which have digitized data, which also makes the analysis easier. Such a study used to take several years, but this new analysis was made in little over a week.
Multiple lines of evidence support attribution of recent climate change to human activities, and scientists have high confidence that human activities are to blame.
Climate scientists are loath to say that an event is “caused” by climate change, but in this case, results are “unambiguous.”
“In many parts of Europe three day heat is not very exceptional and you could argue that it would be better to look at longer,” said Dr. Friederike Otto from the University of Oxford, one of the study’s authors. “But we’ve looked at longer periods and it doesn’t change the result very much.”
This is by no means a singular study — previous efforts have also consistently linked climate change with extreme weather events (both hot and cold). For instance, the heatwave in South Wales, Australia, was made at least 50 times more likely by global warming. The 2017 “Lucifer” heatwave across Europe’s
Mediterranean nations was made at least 10 times more likely by climate change, and Hurricane Harvey was 3 times more likely thanks to climate change. Overall, many extreme climate events — and the increasingly hot summers — are linked with man-made climate change. A previous study from last year, also co-authored by Mann, found that all these extreme weather patterns are very likely linked to climate change. Mann actually believes this study may have understated the effects of climate change.
We are now in the phase that the effects of climate change are way beyond deniability — it’s time to start acting and tackling this problem — or suffer the consequences.
Knight Jonny C.
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
California is burning ... Again

At Scripps Pier in San Diego, the surface water reached the highest temperature in 102 years of records, 78.8 degrees.
Palm Springs had its warmest July on record, with an average of 97.4 degrees. Death Valley experienced its hottest month on record, with the average temperature hitting 108.1. Park rangers said the heat was too much for some typically hardy birds that died in the broiling conditions.
Across California, the nighttime brought little relief, recording the highest minimum temperature statewide of any month since 1895.
California has been getting hotter for some time, but July was in a league of its own. The intense heat fueled fires across the state, from San Diego County to Redding, that have burned more than 1,000 homes and killed eight. It brought heat waves that overwhelmed electrical systems, leaving swaths of Los Angeles without power for days.
Moreover, the extreme conditions — capping years of trends heading in this direction — have caused scientists and policymakers to speak more openly and emphatically about what is causing this dramatic shift.
A decade ago, some scientists would warn against making broad conclusions linking an extraordinary heat wave to global warming. But the pace of heat records being broken in California in recent years is leading more scientists here to assertively link climate change to unrelenting heat that is only expected to worsen as humans continue putting greenhouse gases in the air.
“In the past, it would just be kind of once in a while — the odd year where you be really warm,” state climatologist Michael Anderson said.
But the last five years have been among the hottest in 124 years of record keeping, Anderson said.
But the last five years have been among the hottest in 124 years of record keeping, Anderson said.
“That’s definitely an indication that the world is warming, and things are starting to change,” said Anderson, who manages the California Department of Water Resources’ state climate program. “We’re starting to see things where it’s different. It’s setting the narrative of climate change.”
Gov. Jerry Brown, who has made climate change a central part of his agenda, was more blunt last week when discussing the devastation in Redding. “People are doing everything they can, but nature is very powerful and we’re not on the side of nature,” he said. “We’re fighting nature with the amount of material we’re putting in the environment, and that material traps heat.”
Signs of the trend are everywhere. California endured its warmest summer on record last year. But those all-time temperature records have been topped in recent months — On July 6, all-time temperature records were set at UCLA (111), Burbank and Santa Ana (114), and Van Nuys (117). Chino hit 120 degrees, the highest ever recorded in the Ontario, Riverside or Chino areas.
It was the warmest July on record in Fresno; for 26 consecutive days that month, temperatures reached or exceeded 100 degrees — the longest continuous stretch on record, said Brian Ochs, meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Hanford. (Maximum temperatures have continued to top 100 through the first several days of August.)
It was the warmest July on record in Fresno; for 26 consecutive days that month, temperatures reached or exceeded 100 degrees — the longest continuous stretch on record, said Brian Ochs, meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Hanford. (Maximum temperatures have continued to top 100 through the first several days of August.)
In terms of average temperature, it was the warmest July on record in San Luis Obispo , Oxnard, Camarillo, Long Beach, Van Nuys, Lancaster and Palmdale, said weather service meteorologist Samantha Connolly.
Of particular concern is how overnight temperatures continue to climb. It’s no coincidence that they’re all in recent years, experts say.
“We are seeing the impacts of climate change now,” said Nina Oakley, regional climatologist for the Western Regional Climate Center in Reno. “This is certainly it. It’s happening.”
The effects are felt far beyond the record books. The mercury hit 113 in Redding and tied its temperature record for July 26 — the day the Carr fire raced out of control and began killing people.
It was one day among months of above-average temperatures that had dried out the brush to such a degree that it helped fuel the blaze’s ferocious spread.
And the lack of lower temperatures overnight has made fires harder to fight.
“You have greenhouse gases acting like a blanket and not letting things cool down as much — keeping things warmer,” Oakley said.
Take a look at a map of the world’s temperatures years ago, and an old heat wave would be just one spot on Earth that’s anomalously warm, said Neil Lareau, assistant professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Nevada, Reno. Now, “on a world map, the vast majority of the globe is hotter than normal,” he said.
“This is not some fluke. This is part of a sustained trend".
The excessive heat is already causing problems for wildlife. In Death Valley, where daytime highs reached at least 120 degrees on 18 of the last 19 days of the month, many birds have turned up dead in the last two weeks, the National Park Service said. The birds lacked signs of trauma, leading officials to believe they died from the intense heat. Birds lack the ability to produce sweat and instead cool themselves by puffing up their feathers and panting.
Before this July, last year’s was the hottest on record at Death Valley, when the average temperature hit 107.4. That one broke a 100-year-old record.
Off the Southern California coast, scientists say more record temperature readings could be broken in August, when maximum surface temperatures tend to be reached. Warming water temperatures can alter the marine food chain in various ways — bringing about toxic algae that make crabs, for example, dangerous to eat. Researchers are also seeing more warm water animals off the coast like jellyfish and sting rays.
Before this July, last year’s was the hottest on record at Death Valley, when the average temperature hit 107.4. That one broke a 100-year-old record.
Some experts thought water temperatures would return to more normal lower levels after El Niño faded, said Clarissa Anderson, executive director of the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System.
But that hasn’t happened. Temperatures have kept rising off Southern California, with near-shore surface temperatures a couple of degrees Celsius higher than average, Anderson said.
And the warm air temperatures are a foreboding sign for the rest of the fire season.
Projections show the next few months are likely to have well above-average activity in most of California’s fire zones, particularly in northern and central California, where the worst fires are burning now, Swain said.
“The fuels up there are just explosively dry,” Swain said, “due to a combination of low precipitation last winter, extremely high temperatures this summer and also, still, the legacy of the long-term drought.
“We’re having peak fire season conditions in the off-peak time of year, and there’s no real indication that things are going to get better before the peak of the season in the fall,” Swain said.
Barring an unseasonable period of rain, conditions will remain ripe for severe fires, he said.
“Time will tell, but it does look like this severe fire season is going to continue to be severe,” Swain said.
Get used to these conditions because they are the new norm. And in the future, these conditions will be the good old days.
Get used to these conditions because they are the new norm. And in the future, these conditions will be the good old days.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Poppa and Me-----Peewee Football
Hi everyone did you miss me I been bust all summer we are spending the summer on the lake we take short trips with daddy to take help him with all the family busness his brothers and sister help him it a lot of business there racetrack I have race horde his name is Horse poppa gave him yo me when he was born i was 4 Horse sray at the ranch in Reno he is not there now the traner got him on the runing curcut I saw him in June he was in Erie Pennylania he came in 3 he know me I gave Horse a apple , I tell the traner to give Horse apples every day
We had a raley for climate change we got lot of name did you read the post Aunt Jeannie post # this is youth climate March we join them my sister call kids in Bossier told them to read and join to have a raley it was fun we went to Reno bedore met Charles and Charlene we became friend they want to know about climate chgne Jenny read aunt Jeannie post call them they was not at home Jenny told their daddy she is emal them some stuff get back with her no mater the time we will be up Bossier Reno teenager join #thisiszerohour .org any age can join I am a member and my mama member aunt Jeannie is member we have lot of grown up member Charles Charlene is twins they come to visit see how we run our meet their mama daddy came this weekend they work in Reno at Circus and Silver Legcy . Our aunt Jeannie lives is Canada she and mama was friends before I born join us to make this a better place for all things to live .
n I say poppa we do not drink ow for my poppa story
I was on the 2 grade I say poppa I want to play football bubba wil play we win all the game poppa say good idea poppa say he will go with me to pratice and my games my uncle Glenn play football for cowboys before I born he was qurterback poppa say uncle Glenn will come show Bubba and me some stuff
poppa take me to by football stuff poppa say Man you need a cup I say poppa we do not drink when we is on the field poppa say yhe cup is not for drink I say poppa why do I need a cup poppa say you need the cup to put on your gun
poppa say to the man he need a cup the man say what size poppa say he will check to see we went to a room with miror poppa look he say to the man he need this size for his gun I say poppa what I need cup for poppa say when you fall down you it wil not break
I show my stuff to them mama hug me say my litle man grow up daddy look at mama he smile daddy say baby did not cry baby is grow up
Eloise say diner is ready I run to my room pul of my clothes put on my cup my chair is next to aunt Mae and poppa aunt mae say Nee Man is nake I say no mama I got on my cup , i got up on my chair to let mama see they start smiling mama say go put pants on your musty but
it was a fat boy on the team he was in the 2 grade his mama nad lot of stuff on him not to get hurt we start game the fat boy got the ball they say run Dennis other boys run to us to get the ball Dennis saw the boys come dennis ran the oyher way dennis fall down the other boy got the ball we run aftr the boy with the ball we not cath him Dennis try to get up he had to much stuff on he was on his back Dennis mama come got him up
it was time for the othr team to kick the ball to us I got the ball uncle Glen was on the side with our coach he say run Man do not let them catch you i run fast I look back a big boy was going to catch me uncle Glen say run I look back the boy was going to catch me I throw the ball to one side I run to the other side to poppa
rhe other boys got the ball we cath them take the ball and run the coach blow his wisher we did not stop we run the game end in a tie we all got 0 it was fun
poppa say he prod of me we got beter my big brother play football in high school he can run fast , lot of girls like him he no have a stedy girlfriend go out in date with a lot of girl my brother talk to poppa abiut girl now he talk to daddy about girls we not talk to mama about girl poppa say mama is a girl dhe not know what to tel us mama talk to my sisters about boy
poppa take me on walks we look for 4 leaf clover I have some in my favrite book poppa gave me poppa love buterflys poppa say the come from caterpiller turn in to somethng very beatiful and grecful poppa and I sit in the garden watch the buterflys aaand feed the birds sometme uncle Harvey mr Larry come out sit with us they tell me bubba to go see what aunt Mamie aunr Snita MeMa mama was cookng it was time for them to get some food .Poppa draw paint pictue he draw write poems poppa write lot of peom about my grandmama Rosa I will ask saddy can I put some in my p oppa and me post they are so pretty.
I will not stay away so long it is summer play time we are on the lake we go home stay
hope you enjoy read about my poppa .
Knight Man C.
We had a raley for climate change we got lot of name did you read the post Aunt Jeannie post # this is youth climate March we join them my sister call kids in Bossier told them to read and join to have a raley it was fun we went to Reno bedore met Charles and Charlene we became friend they want to know about climate chgne Jenny read aunt Jeannie post call them they was not at home Jenny told their daddy she is emal them some stuff get back with her no mater the time we will be up Bossier Reno teenager join #thisiszerohour .org any age can join I am a member and my mama member aunt Jeannie is member we have lot of grown up member Charles Charlene is twins they come to visit see how we run our meet their mama daddy came this weekend they work in Reno at Circus and Silver Legcy . Our aunt Jeannie lives is Canada she and mama was friends before I born join us to make this a better place for all things to live .
n I say poppa we do not drink ow for my poppa story
I was on the 2 grade I say poppa I want to play football bubba wil play we win all the game poppa say good idea poppa say he will go with me to pratice and my games my uncle Glenn play football for cowboys before I born he was qurterback poppa say uncle Glenn will come show Bubba and me some stuff
poppa take me to by football stuff poppa say Man you need a cup I say poppa we do not drink when we is on the field poppa say yhe cup is not for drink I say poppa why do I need a cup poppa say you need the cup to put on your gun
poppa say to the man he need a cup the man say what size poppa say he will check to see we went to a room with miror poppa look he say to the man he need this size for his gun I say poppa what I need cup for poppa say when you fall down you it wil not break
I show my stuff to them mama hug me say my litle man grow up daddy look at mama he smile daddy say baby did not cry baby is grow up
Eloise say diner is ready I run to my room pul of my clothes put on my cup my chair is next to aunt Mae and poppa aunt mae say Nee Man is nake I say no mama I got on my cup , i got up on my chair to let mama see they start smiling mama say go put pants on your musty but
it was a fat boy on the team he was in the 2 grade his mama nad lot of stuff on him not to get hurt we start game the fat boy got the ball they say run Dennis other boys run to us to get the ball Dennis saw the boys come dennis ran the oyher way dennis fall down the other boy got the ball we run aftr the boy with the ball we not cath him Dennis try to get up he had to much stuff on he was on his back Dennis mama come got him up
it was time for the othr team to kick the ball to us I got the ball uncle Glen was on the side with our coach he say run Man do not let them catch you i run fast I look back a big boy was going to catch me uncle Glen say run I look back the boy was going to catch me I throw the ball to one side I run to the other side to poppa
rhe other boys got the ball we cath them take the ball and run the coach blow his wisher we did not stop we run the game end in a tie we all got 0 it was fun
poppa say he prod of me we got beter my big brother play football in high school he can run fast , lot of girls like him he no have a stedy girlfriend go out in date with a lot of girl my brother talk to poppa abiut girl now he talk to daddy about girls we not talk to mama about girl poppa say mama is a girl dhe not know what to tel us mama talk to my sisters about boy
poppa take me on walks we look for 4 leaf clover I have some in my favrite book poppa gave me poppa love buterflys poppa say the come from caterpiller turn in to somethng very beatiful and grecful poppa and I sit in the garden watch the buterflys aaand feed the birds sometme uncle Harvey mr Larry come out sit with us they tell me bubba to go see what aunt Mamie aunr Snita MeMa mama was cookng it was time for them to get some food .Poppa draw paint pictue he draw write poems poppa write lot of peom about my grandmama Rosa I will ask saddy can I put some in my p oppa and me post they are so pretty.
I will not stay away so long it is summer play time we are on the lake we go home stay
hope you enjoy read about my poppa .
Knight Man C.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Heatwave was triggered by climate change, according to new research
July 30, 2018, University of Oxford
The unprecedented temperatures seen over Summer 2018 are a sign of things to come, and are a direct result of climate change, according to new Oxford University research. Credit: Shutterstock
The unprecedented temperatures seen over Summer 2018 are a sign of things to come—and a direct result of climate change, according to new Oxford University research.
In the newly published report, researchers from the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) at the School of Geography and Environment, Oxford University, who worked in collaboration with the World Weather Attribution network (WWA), reveal that climate change more than doubled the likelihood of the European heatwave, which could come to be known as regular summer temperatures.
Dr. Friederike Otto, Deputy Director of the ECI at the University of Oxford, said: "What was once regarded as unusually warm weather will become commonplace – in some cases, it already has."
The research compares current temperatures with historical records at seven weather stations in northern Europe – two in Finland, one each in Denmark, the Irish Republic, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
These stations were selected because current temperature data could be accessed in real time, and they possess digitised records extending back to the early 1900s. The scientists also used computer models to assess the impact of man-made climate change.
For each year in the historical record, the team looked at the hottest consecutive three-day period. For 2018, it was the hottest three days of the year so far – either observed or in the
short-term forecast.
The findings show that the planet is definitely heating up, and for some of the weather stations, current temperatures are unprecedented in the historical record.
"We found that for the weather station in the far north, in the Arctic Circle, the current heat wave is just extraordinary – unprecedented in the historical record," said Dr. Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, Senior Researcher at the Royal Netherlands
Meteorological Institute (KNMI).
"And while that is a striking finding, it's hard for us to quantify the increase in likelihood accurately because summer temperatures vary a lot from year to year, making it impossible to estimate the trend from the observations. The same is true for the other three northern stations.
"But for the three stations further south – in the Netherlands, Denmark and Ireland – the historical record does allow us to make a calculation, and it shows that climate change has generally increased the odds of the current heatwave more than two-fold."
Knight Sha C.
The unprecedented temperatures seen over Summer 2018 are a sign of things to come, and are a direct result of climate change, according to new Oxford University research. Credit: Shutterstock
The unprecedented temperatures seen over Summer 2018 are a sign of things to come—and a direct result of climate change, according to new Oxford University research.
In the newly published report, researchers from the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) at the School of Geography and Environment, Oxford University, who worked in collaboration with the World Weather Attribution network (WWA), reveal that climate change more than doubled the likelihood of the European heatwave, which could come to be known as regular summer temperatures.
Dr. Friederike Otto, Deputy Director of the ECI at the University of Oxford, said: "What was once regarded as unusually warm weather will become commonplace – in some cases, it already has."
The research compares current temperatures with historical records at seven weather stations in northern Europe – two in Finland, one each in Denmark, the Irish Republic, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
These stations were selected because current temperature data could be accessed in real time, and they possess digitised records extending back to the early 1900s. The scientists also used computer models to assess the impact of man-made climate change.
For each year in the historical record, the team looked at the hottest consecutive three-day period. For 2018, it was the hottest three days of the year so far – either observed or in the
short-term forecast.
The findings show that the planet is definitely heating up, and for some of the weather stations, current temperatures are unprecedented in the historical record.
"We found that for the weather station in the far north, in the Arctic Circle, the current heat wave is just extraordinary – unprecedented in the historical record," said Dr. Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, Senior Researcher at the Royal Netherlands
Meteorological Institute (KNMI).
"And while that is a striking finding, it's hard for us to quantify the increase in likelihood accurately because summer temperatures vary a lot from year to year, making it impossible to estimate the trend from the observations. The same is true for the other three northern stations.
"But for the three stations further south – in the Netherlands, Denmark and Ireland – the historical record does allow us to make a calculation, and it shows that climate change has generally increased the odds of the current heatwave more than two-fold."
Knight Sha C.
For every Trump tweet about climate change .... a tree is planted

An organization has launched a campaign to tackle environmental issues by planting trees for every Donald Trump quote denying climate change.
Treepex, sponsors the planting of trees. It has created a new campaign to allow members to “fight back” against Mr Trump, who has publicly and frequently cast doubt on the existence of climate change throughout the years. The campaign titled, Treespond, aims to be an outlet for those frustrated by the president’s constant comments about climate change, by allowing users to plant trees for every environment-related quote and tweet by Mr Trump.
"The main antagonists of our campaign are politicians, one of them: Donald J. Trump, who is one of the biggest climate deniers with THE biggest media stage," the campaign website states.
Treespond has tracked quotes from Mr Trump and evaluated them on a scale of how ignorant the organization perceives the statements to be. The more ignorant Treespond rates a statement, the more trees will be planted for that particular quote.
Treespond has pulled together various quotes and tweets on climate change by Mr Trump, like in 2012 when he tweeted: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive.” Although Mr Trump later claimed his 2012 tweet calling climate change a Chinese hoax was a joke, he has notably been critical of climate change often, since then. He has publicly cited cold temperatures to undermine concerns on global warming.
It costs about $10 for contributors to actually plant a tree for the Treespond campaign; contributors receive information on where the sponsored tree is really planted with updates on the plant’s progress. Treespond has partnered with the American Forestry Association to plant trees across the national forests of California recently devastated by wildfires.
US politicians have fiercely lambasted climate change deniers for opposing scientific consensus that human-caused global climate change is occurring.
Treespond has tracked quotes from Mr Trump and evaluated them on a scale of how ignorant the organization perceives the statements to be. The more ignorant Treespond rates a statement, the more trees will be planted for that particular quote.
Treespond has pulled together various quotes and tweets on climate change by Mr Trump, like in 2012 when he tweeted: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive.” Although Mr Trump later claimed his 2012 tweet calling climate change a Chinese hoax was a joke, he has notably been critical of climate change often, since then. He has publicly cited cold temperatures to undermine concerns on global warming.
It costs about $10 for contributors to actually plant a tree for the Treespond campaign; contributors receive information on where the sponsored tree is really planted with updates on the plant’s progress. Treespond has partnered with the American Forestry Association to plant trees across the national forests of California recently devastated by wildfires.
US politicians have fiercely lambasted climate change deniers for opposing scientific consensus that human-caused global climate change is occurring.
Such is the case for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old Democratic socialist who defeated longtime US House Representative and Democratic Party star Joe Crowley in a stunning primary victory. She has proposed implementing a bold climate proposal, titled “Green New Deal” aimed at investing in the “development, manufacturing, deployment, and distribution” in green energy.
The founders of Treepex told The Independent that its viral campaigns, like Treespond, further its efforts to fight deforestation. Lasha Kvantaliani, co-founder of Treepex, said its platform provides an alternative to having a “verbal argument” about the environment.
“In order to fight back and compensate for the damage a single ignorant opinion can cause, we created a platform that gives ‘a green fighter’ or 'tree hugger' the possibility to skip ‘verbal argument’ and immediately take action”. All of this is done with a lot humor and 'tongue in cheek'.
So, Mr Trump, keep on dissing climate change and climate scientists, keep letting those dumb remarks fall from your cake hole. The more mistruths the better. The more denials....the more trees get planted. That is taking a negative and turning it into a positive.
Information gathered from The Independent ….Thanx
So, Mr Trump, keep on dissing climate change and climate scientists, keep letting those dumb remarks fall from your cake hole. The more mistruths the better. The more denials....the more trees get planted. That is taking a negative and turning it into a positive.
Information gathered from The Independent ….Thanx
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Heatwave and climate change having negative impact on our soil, say experts
August 2, 2018 by Jordan Kenny, University of Manchester
Credit: CC0 Public Domain
The recent heatwave and drought could be having a deeper, more negative effect on soil than we first realised say scientists.
This could have widespread implications for plants and other vegetation which, in turn, may impact on the wider entire ecosystem.
That's because organisms in soil are highly diverse and are responsible not only for producing the soil we need to grow crops, but also provide humans with many other benefits, such as cleaning water and regulating greenhouse gas emissions
The new study, led by researchers at The University of Manchester which has been published in Nature Communications, provides new insight into how a drought alters soil at microbial level. It shows that expected changes in climate will affect UK soil and that soil is not as tough as previously thought.
Due to climate change, disturbances such as drought are increasing in intensity and frequency. These extreme weather conditions change vegetation composition and soil moisture, which in turn impacts the soil's underlying organisms and microbial networks.
By studying how microbes react to severe drought, the study provides a better understanding of how underground soil networks respond to such environmental disturbances.
Lead author, Dr. Franciska de Vries, from Manchester's School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, explains: "Soils harbour highly diverse microbial communities that are crucial for soil to function as it should.
"A major challenge is to understand how these complex microbial communities respond to and recover from disturbances, such as climate extremes, which are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity with climate change.
"These microbial communities within the soil play a crucial role in any ecosystem. But it wasn't known how soil networks respond to such disturbances until now."
Sequencing of soil DNA for the study was conducted at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH). Dr. Robert Griffiths, a molecular microbial ecologist at CEH, said: "This study further identifies those key organisms affected by drought, which will guide future research to predict how future soil microbial functions are affected by climate change."
The research team tested the effects of summer drought on plant communities consisting of four common grassland species. They found that drought increased the abundance of a certain fast-growing, drought-tolerant grass. With greater aboveground vegetation comes an increased rate of evapotranspiration, or cycling of water from plants to the atmosphere, lowering the overall soil moisture.
Science conducted as part of Lancaster University's Hazelrigg grassland experiment was key to the findings.
Professor Nick Ostle, from the Lancaster Environment Centre, said: "Our hot and dry summer this year is a 'wake up' to prepare for future weather stresses. We have just had the hottest ten years in UK history. This work shows that continued summer droughts will change soil biology. This matters as we plan for ensuring food security that depends on healthy soil."
Unlike past research, this study considered the multitude of direct and indirect interactions occurring between different microbial organisms in soil. Rather than focusing on select attributes of bacteria and fungi, this research takes a comprehensive approach to studying soil ecosystems.
Dr. de Vries added: "This study allows soil ecologists to estimate the current and future impacts of drought on belowground organisms, helping to understand the complex interactions of species due to climate change."
Provided by: University of Manchester university-of-manchester/
Thanx Jordan Kenny
Knight Jonny C. & the visiting twin Reno Knights Charles & Charlene J.
Credit: CC0 Public Domain
The recent heatwave and drought could be having a deeper, more negative effect on soil than we first realised say scientists.
This could have widespread implications for plants and other vegetation which, in turn, may impact on the wider entire ecosystem.
That's because organisms in soil are highly diverse and are responsible not only for producing the soil we need to grow crops, but also provide humans with many other benefits, such as cleaning water and regulating greenhouse gas emissions
The new study, led by researchers at The University of Manchester which has been published in Nature Communications, provides new insight into how a drought alters soil at microbial level. It shows that expected changes in climate will affect UK soil and that soil is not as tough as previously thought.
Due to climate change, disturbances such as drought are increasing in intensity and frequency. These extreme weather conditions change vegetation composition and soil moisture, which in turn impacts the soil's underlying organisms and microbial networks.
By studying how microbes react to severe drought, the study provides a better understanding of how underground soil networks respond to such environmental disturbances.
Lead author, Dr. Franciska de Vries, from Manchester's School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, explains: "Soils harbour highly diverse microbial communities that are crucial for soil to function as it should.
"A major challenge is to understand how these complex microbial communities respond to and recover from disturbances, such as climate extremes, which are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity with climate change.
"These microbial communities within the soil play a crucial role in any ecosystem. But it wasn't known how soil networks respond to such disturbances until now."
Sequencing of soil DNA for the study was conducted at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH). Dr. Robert Griffiths, a molecular microbial ecologist at CEH, said: "This study further identifies those key organisms affected by drought, which will guide future research to predict how future soil microbial functions are affected by climate change."
The research team tested the effects of summer drought on plant communities consisting of four common grassland species. They found that drought increased the abundance of a certain fast-growing, drought-tolerant grass. With greater aboveground vegetation comes an increased rate of evapotranspiration, or cycling of water from plants to the atmosphere, lowering the overall soil moisture.
Science conducted as part of Lancaster University's Hazelrigg grassland experiment was key to the findings.
Professor Nick Ostle, from the Lancaster Environment Centre, said: "Our hot and dry summer this year is a 'wake up' to prepare for future weather stresses. We have just had the hottest ten years in UK history. This work shows that continued summer droughts will change soil biology. This matters as we plan for ensuring food security that depends on healthy soil."
Unlike past research, this study considered the multitude of direct and indirect interactions occurring between different microbial organisms in soil. Rather than focusing on select attributes of bacteria and fungi, this research takes a comprehensive approach to studying soil ecosystems.
Dr. de Vries added: "This study allows soil ecologists to estimate the current and future impacts of drought on belowground organisms, helping to understand the complex interactions of species due to climate change."
Provided by: University of Manchester university-of-manchester/
Thanx Jordan Kenny
Knight Jonny C. & the visiting twin Reno Knights Charles & Charlene J.
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