Monday, June 25, 2018

A special Friendship...A Special Man

Helping to preserve endangered species is very important in keeping our ecology's delicate balance. And gives future generations of people the privilege of seeing live animals who would have disappeared forever.


  1. Aunt Jeannie,
    What a special bond and friendship they have together , it makes you happy to know there is very much love in this world that we have for everything .
    It also saddens the heart to know there are evil people here also , their time is coming to an end and once again maybe our kids will see the world that mama talked about when she was a kid , so carefree with no worries about the world being blown up .
    We all enjoyed the video . thanks a bunch.
    Much love
    Knight Sha

  2. Hello Knight Sha
    I admire and also envy the relationships that guy has with the animals he cares for. He is able to connect with them somehow. I would love to do that.
    You are right my friend, there is good and evil in the world and that's the decision we all have to make when we grow up... Which side will I choose. I think lots more people consciously choose to be good people rather than bad. Mama and I both remember carefree childhoods where we did not have to worry about the planet dying or fat little politicians threatening to blow us all up. I apologize to you for handing you such a world. But the positive side is that you will be much stronger and wiser than we were and you will set things right again so your kids can have that carefree childhood we remember.
    Mika says she loves you
    and so do I
    Knight Aunt Jeannie
