Saturday, August 4, 2018

For every Trump tweet about climate change .... a tree is planted

Treespond campaign to plant more trees. Images: Treepex
An organization has launched a campaign to tackle environmental issues by planting trees for every Donald Trump quote denying climate change.
Treepex, sponsors the planting of trees. It has created a new campaign to allow members to “fight back” against Mr Trump, who has publicly and frequently cast doubt on the existence of climate change throughout the years. The campaign titled, Treespond, aims to be an outlet for those frustrated by the  president’s constant comments about climate change, by allowing users to plant trees for every environment-related quote and tweet by Mr Trump. 

"The main antagonists of our campaign are politicians, one of them: Donald J. Trump, who is one of the biggest climate deniers with THE biggest media stage," the campaign website states.
Treespond has tracked quotes from Mr Trump and evaluated them on a scale of how ignorant the organization perceives the statements to be. The more ignorant Treespond rates a statement, the more trees will be planted for that particular quote.

Treespond has pulled together various quotes and tweets on climate change by Mr Trump, like in 2012 when he tweeted: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive.” Although Mr Trump later claimed his 2012 tweet calling climate change a Chinese hoax was a joke, he has notably been critical of climate change often, since then. He has publicly cited cold temperatures to undermine concerns on global warming.

It costs about $10 for contributors to actually plant a tree for the Treespond campaign; contributors receive information on where the sponsored tree is really planted with updates on the plant’s progress. Treespond has partnered with the American Forestry Association to plant trees across the national forests of California recently devastated by wildfires.

US politicians have fiercely lambasted climate change deniers for opposing scientific consensus that human-caused global climate change is occurring.                   
Such is the case for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old Democratic socialist who defeated longtime US House Representative and Democratic Party star Joe Crowley in a stunning primary victory. She has proposed implementing a bold climate proposal, titled “Green New Deal” aimed at investing in the “development, manufacturing, deployment, and distribution” in green energy.
The founders of Treepex told The Independent that its viral campaigns, like Treespond, further its efforts to fight deforestation. Lasha Kvantaliani, co-founder of Treepex, said its platform provides an alternative to having a “verbal argument” about the environment.
“In order to fight back and compensate for the damage a single ignorant opinion can cause, we created a platform that gives ‘a green fighter’ or 'tree hugger' the possibility to skip ‘verbal argument’ and immediately take action”. All of this is done with a lot humor and 'tongue in cheek'.

So, Mr Trump, keep on dissing climate change and climate scientists, keep letting those dumb remarks fall from your cake hole. The more mistruths the better. The more denials....the more trees get planted. That is taking a negative and turning it into a positive.

Information gathered from The Independent ….Thanx


  1. Aunt Knight Jeannie ,What a great idea to plant a tree each time Mr. trump tweet about climate change ,he know his days is numbered that's why he find other crazy thing to pit before the public to try and throw them off the real issues , we are young , we understand , we want the world to be a better place and we will get what we want , the teenagers are the leaders of tomorrow so Mr. Trump better take notice we are equip to do what is necessary . Aunt Jeannie the way wild fires are spreading , Mr. Trump big foul mouth trees will be planted at no cost to the government.
    The twins enjoyed our meeting , Jenny wrote Charlene some notes of what we do and let her help run the meeting . Jenny told mama to tell you how she did , mama said you may be still under the weather because you haven't comment on any of her posts . Jonny told mama you commented on his and wrote Charles and Charlene a comment .
    We think this is a good idea .
    Love and a lot of hugs
    Knight Sha

  2. Hello knight Sha
    You will make wonderful leaders. You will stick to the important issues and achieve things instead of flapping your gums endlessly and doing nothing. I so look forward to the future.
    I wish someone would plant a tree in Mr Trump's mouth. There is certainly enough fertilizer in there to make it grow.....and perhaps a small tree in each ear. He already has a weird bush on his head.....HA!!
    Charles and Charlene...Way to go!! Already helping to run a meeting. I am impressed. The Knights are old pros at running those meetings. I laughed when I read that Jenny told you to picture the people naked. When I was too scared to speak in public, a friend told me to picture the audience sitting on toilets. She told me toilets are the great equalizers, even the Queen has to use one.
    Best of luck in your great adventure,
    Love to you and my dear friend Sha
    Knight Aunt Jeannie

    PS: Tell Mama I am posting tonight. I'm still having a rough patch but it won't beat me.
    Lotsa hugs
