Monday, October 23, 2017

Conversation With Koko, the talking, feeling, thinking gorilla

This program doesn’t just talk with an ape, it carries on an intimate, decades-long dialogue with her. The story documents the incredible development of a gorilla named Koko, whose learning of American Sign Language (and understanding of spoken English) gives new meaning to the ideas of animal intelligence and inter-species communication.
Ahamo 2015 Winner: Excellence in Documentary Film:
 Gorillas in the wild are an endangered species. They are close relatives of ours. They think and feel and communicate. And yet we rob them of their habitat and food sources, hunt them and kill them.


  1. What an inspiring video and very true . I knew Koko was smarter than out fake President .
    It seems like a lot of people in charge just want to destroy everything that don't fit in their scheme of things ... Or do tRUNMP;s idiots just has an empty head with marbles rolling round in side .
    Great Video .

  2. I would vote for Koko if I was an American. She is brilliant and gentle and not a racist. We need a woman in the White House.
    Trump needs to be taken away to the funny farm in a straight jacket.
    See ya Witchypoo
    Love Shadow
