October 19, 2016 Clara Chaisson Leonardo DiCaprio usually plays the leading man. But in the new documentary Before the Flood, climate change is the star—a villainous one—and DiCaprio takes on a supporting role as a guide who walks us through what’s happening to the planet.
With two and a half years’ worth of footage, the film, directed by Fisher Stevens, takes us on a journey to the front lines of a warming world. We watch Arctic ice melting and coral reefs bleaching. We get a bird’s-eye view of the Alberta tar sands (“It kind of looks like Mordor,” DiCaprio remarks to a bemused oil exec). A helicopter ride over a smoldering Sumatran rainforest shows us how illegal slash-and-burn agriculture to clear land for palm oil plantations produces drifting haze that has made the air unhealthy to breathe in neighboring countries. We meet Indian farmers who have lost their crops to flooding, and the former Kiribati president Anote Tong, whose island nation is slowly slipping beneath the sea. As president, Tong oversaw the purchase of land in Fiji to relocate Kiribati’s residents when sea-level rise inevitably overwhelms the country.
“All that I have seen and learned on this journey has terrified me,” DiCaprio told delegates at last year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. In 2014, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon named DiCaprio a U.N. Messenger for Peace, with a special focus on climate change. The actor and longtime environmental activist—who also sits on NRDC’s Board of Trustees—is the first to admit that Before the Flood makes for some seriously daunting viewing.
But this horror flick isn’t without hope. Cleaner technologies and policies play the roles of potential heroes. DiCaprio speaks with electric car entrepreneur Elon Musk about his ambitious ideas for sustainable transportation and discusses how countries like Denmark are successfully transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy. DiCaprio also reminds the audience that we’re not merely witnesses to the planet’s destruction. Through how we live, we are all actively choosing what kind of world we want to leave for our children.
The film’s pithy tagline sums up the situation: “The science is clear. The future is not.”
Before the Flood premieres in theaters in New York and Los Angeles on October 21 and is available to stream on the National Geographic Channel.
onEarth provides reporting and analysis about environmental science, policy, and culture. All opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or positions of NRDC.

You can donate to the NRDC or use your voice to spread the word 'THANK' you ever so much .
Thanx Leo DiCaprio
Crusader Jenny Nanook & Mika
Howdy Precious,
ReplyDeleteI am in agreement with you people can still learn from these films they are so close to home I do so hope people will take the time to see it maybe that will help to understand more and come to know the Orange Monkey is a 'FAKE' President (Giggles).
Great job
Love you daddy's little woman
Knight Mama
Hi Knight Mama ,
DeleteSassy gave us this idea for a post . Daddy reminded us of all the documentaries poppa bought us when we started Nanook's Polar Bear club to help mama spread the word about climate change , we decided to use this as our first one .
Thanks Mama I love you for just being you . daddy's little Woman.
Crusader Jenny , Nanook and Mika
ReplyDeleteIf you and the Knights have not seen Before the Flood, it is well worth seeing. It is an eye opener. It takes you to the places on the globe where you can see climate change with your own eyes. It has been around for a couple of years. I would recommend to anyone who does not believe in climate change. It will convince them. Good article and I love the NRDC ads. I sure hope they do sue 'Pumpkin Head'. If they don't, we will Crusader.
Lots of love
Knight Aunt Jeannie
Hi aunt Knight Jeannie,
DeleteWe have seen Before the flood lots of times , each time we see something we missed . Poppa bought us lots of documentaries poppa also bought us books .
Aunt Jeannie I also recommend that id they have not seen the documentary lately the do so , It may be something they missed .
I think the NRDC ads are a winner , Sha has one for her next post .
We all went to the Miss USA pageant Monday May 21 , 2018 , it was fun to watch not to be in Sha agrees with me some of the girls are so catty .
"Pumpkin Head' will get his just due in time .
Lots of love back at you
Crusader Jenny , Nanook & Miks
May 26 , 2018
This month-----497